Complete Guide: How to find the perfect roommate?

Picture yourself, a young professional, about to leave the family nest and embark on the exciting adventure of confident house sharing! But before you can settle in comfortably, there’s one thing you need to pay attention to: finding roommates to share your future home with. Whether in Paris or elsewhere, it’s always better when their interests align with yours. How do you find the perfect match? While there isn’t a set-in-stone answer, our specialized agency offers advice to ensure your future co-living experience is one of the best in your life!

What is accommodation-sharing?

Have you ever thought about accommodation-sharing as a place to live? Imagine coming home every day and not being alone. If we had to sum up accommodation-sharing in one word, it would just be “sharing.” In house-sharing, you share your space with others, and it can be incredibly enriching. Legally and financially, roommates are collectively responsible. When one of them decides to leave the shared house, the others split the remaining portion of the rent left to be paid.

There are many advantages in sharing a home: you split expenses, which means more affordable rent and lower bills for everyone. Plus, there’s always someone to talk to, share a meal with, or help you out when needed. Of course, there are also some drawbacks. Differences in lifestyle and minor conflicts can arise. With communication and mutual respect, these issues can be easily overcome. In the end, house-sharing is a bit like a chosen extended family. So, get ready to share laughter, experiences, and maybe even a few challenges, because this adventure awaits you!

Why choosing accommodation-sharing?

Do you know why so many people opt for accommodation-sharing? There are plenty of good reasons! Imagine you’ve found this amazing apartment, but the rent is a bit too steep for your budget. This is where life in community comes into play. You can split the rent and bills with your housemates, leaving you with more money to spend on what truly matters. However, communal living isn’t just about the financial aspect. You never really feel alone. The bonds you develop in house-sharing can last a lifetime, and that’s what makes this experience so special. Whether you’re looking to save money or create incredible memories, it is a fantastic choice in many ways!

How to find a roommate?

Finding a roommate is a bit like embarking on an adventure to discover the ideal life companion. And guess what? There are several ways to embark in this search! Firstly, there are online platforms, digital tools like Colivys, which allow you to create a profile, specify your preferences, and meet people who are sharing the same values and lifestyle as yours. Then, there’s the word-of-mouth method, where you let your friends, family, and even colleagues know that you’re looking for a roommate. You never know when an unexpected connection might occur! Next, don’t forget about postings in public places like bulletin boards at the university or in your neighborhood.

Lastly, social media can also be a fertile ground for finding a roommate, so don’t hesitate to post an advertisement or join Facebook groups dedicated to house-sharing. If you’d prefer to place your trust in professionals’ hands, there are many specialised agencies. You can simply stop by, and they will guide you the best possible way. The adventure of searching for someone to join your home  can start in so many different ways, so explore all these avenues, and who knows, you might soon be sharing your home with someone amazing!

Online search

When it comes to searching for the perfect match to share your accommodation living space, the online world is teeming with solutions. Among the best websites to assist you in your research, there’s StudApart, the go-to platform. It offers a multitude of shared-accommodation listings for students. There’s also Leboncoin, an unmissable French website, with a wide range of shared-flats or shared-houses  listings of all kinds.

Additionally, there’s Appartager, a platform specifically designed, providing detailed profiles of potential housemates. If you rather like to search by geographical region, La Carte des Colocs is a super convenient interactive site. Finally, Roomgo, an international website, connects you with housemates from all around the world, which is ideal for your globetrotter’s spirit. These websites are like maps to find your future housemate, so don’t hesitate to explore each of them to discover the gem that will make your incredible accommodation-share.

Posting an advertisement

Get ready because it’s time to embark in the search for the ideal roommate with an advertisement that will help you find the solution to your roommie’s “problem”! Your ad is like a carefully drawn map to guide the right candidate to you. First and foremost, be thorough and transparent. Paint a vivid picture of your living space, describing every nook, number of rooms, and what makes it special. Then, highlight the advantages of your shared accommodation. Is it a trendy neighborhood?

Its proximity to public transportation? There’s always little extras that make a difference. Use words to depict your lifestyle, habits, and expectations so that potential housemates know what to expect. Don’t forget to be clear about the financial aspects, specifying the rent amount, including expenses, fees, and whether a security deposit is required. Choose your images carefully and take photos that showcase your space. Selecting the right words is crucial, so use positive and engaging language.Take the time to correct any spelling or grammar errors. Finally, show your responsiveness once your ad is online. Respond promptly to messages to demonstrate that you are serious about finding the ideal roommate. Now, armed with these tips, you’re ready to write an advertisement that will showcase your house-share!

Through relatives

Sometimes, friends, family, or even colleagues are holding the precious key to introduce you to that person who could become your future housemate. As if destiny had its role to play. These recommendations are invaluable because they come from people you trust completely.

They have an idea of what could truly match your personality and lifestyle. So, don’t hesitate to ask those around you and listen carefully to the stories of those who have already experienced a successful house-shared life through word-of-mouth. Perhaps a few conversations with your close ones will be enough to find the ideal housemate!

How to evaluate a potential housemate?

Choosing the right housemate is a bit like assembling a team. You’re looking for that person who will not only share your space but also your daily life. So, what should you consider?First and foremost, lifestyle compatibility. Look for someone whose habits and preferences align with yours. If you’re an early riser, a night owl might not be the best choice.

Next, openness to communication. A good housemate should be willing to discuss issues and concerns in a constructive manner. Seek references and talk to former housemates to gain insight into the reliability and behavior of this person. And most importantly, trust your instincts. If you feel comfortable and in harmony with this potential person during the meeting, it’s an excellent sign. Ultimately, finding the right housemate takes a bit of research, but when you find that person who perfectly completes your team, it’s well worth it.

What is their vision of accommodation-sharing?

House-sharing is like building a cozy little nest where everyone can be themselves without worrying about stepping on each other’s toes. That sense of belonging to a place where you feel welcome, where you can share moments of life, laughter, and sometimes even learning. But for this adventure to work wonders, having open discussions is essential.

Right from the start, we advise roommates to gather around a table, perhaps with a cup of coffee in hand, to discuss each other’s expectations, quirks, what’s irritating as much as what brings joy. Imagine it as if you were writing the rules of an exciting game, but in this game, the ultimate goal is to create a space where mutual respect, understanding, and support thrive. Open and honest conversations are the solid foundations of a beautiful house-share.

How to choose Your roommates?

The crucial step is in front of you. Finding the ideal teammates for the great home-sharing adventure is not so easy. It involves several factors to consider closely:

  • Financial criteria are crucial.

Look at whether your prospective roommates’ incomes are stable and compatible with expenses sharing.

  • Personal compatibility

Equally important, ask yourself questions about their lifestyles: are they more into partying or are they quiet? Do they have pets? Cleanliness and organization should also be on your list. Check if they are sharing a concern for tidiness and cleanliness.

  • Communication is key

Make sure they are open to discussion and compromise. Don’t forget to consider the duration of the commitment; it’s essential that everyone is on the same page regarding this.

In the end, choose housemates with whom you feel comfortable, aligned on both financial and personal aspects. That’s the recipe for a successful and harmonious life in community.

Practical aspects of accommodation-sharing

Examining the details of house-sharing helps you to be better prepared. It all begins with finances, much like planning a budget. It’s crucial to agree on the rent and expenses, and to put them into writing to avoid future misunderstandings. Once the financial basics are established (usually by the landlord or owner), it’s time to discuss household chores. It’s essential to divide responsibilities to keep the house clean and well-organized: everyone should clearly know their tasks.

Then, there’s grocery shopping: you can decide to do it together or separately, if it suits you better. It’s also important to discuss sleep schedules, guests, and anything else that may affect daily life. And of course, if something isn’t right, it’s crucial to openly address it and work together to find solutions. This open communication will guide you throughout your house-sharing journey, helping you avoid pitfalls and create a pleasant experience for all housemates.

Which type of contract for a shared living accommodation?

So, let’s talk about a shared living contract: depending on the landlord or property owner, there are different ways to establish the lease agreement for a shared living situation:

  • Individual leases:

Each roommate has their own contract. This provides some independence, but it also means that each person is responsible for their own rent and obligations.

  • Joint lease:

Everyone signs the same contract. This simplifies things in terms of payments and obligations, but it also involves collective responsibility.

  • One of the roommates is designated as the main tenant

While the others roommates have subtenant status. This can be convenient for managing things but requires a good understanding of the legal implications.

When it comes to choosing the right cohabitation contract, it’s essential to consider several factors. First, think about your degree of financial independence and your roommates’ one. If each of you has separate financial resources and prefers managing finances independently, an individual lease may be the best option. This means that each roommate has their own contract with the landlord and is responsible for their own rent and obligations.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for simplicity and financial solidarity within the shared living arrangement, a joint lease can be the solution. In this case, every roommate signs the same contract, making collective payments easier and simplifying responsibilities. However, it also entails collective responsibility, meaning that if one roommate doesn’t pay their share, the others have to cover the shortfall.

Finally, the configuration of the last option (main tenant and subtenants) can be convenient for simplifying communication with the landlord, but it’s crucial to understand the legal implications. The primary tenant assumes greater responsibility and can be held accountable for subtenants’ actions.

The choice of contract will depend on your personal preferences, mutual trust level, and how you want to manage your responsibilities. It’s wise to openly discuss these options with your roommates and, if necessary, seek legal advice to ensure you are selecting the contract that suits your particular situation the best.

How to calculate rent in a shared living arrangement?

If you’re ready to take on the challenge of sharing rent fairly, here’s a tip to do it without any hassle.

First, add up the total monthly rent amount. Then, count the total number of rooms in the apartment, whether they are occupied or “out of service.” Once you have these valuable pieces of information, divide the total rent amount by the total number of rooms to get the “base rent” per room. But beware, it doesn’t end there! To account for differences, you can adjust the rent. For example, a room with an exceptional view may cost a bit more than the others.

La répartition dépendra également de la superficie de la chambre. The money distribution will also depend on the size of the room. If you live in a 25 m² room with a private bathroom, it would be logical for you to pay more than your roommate who has chosen to live in the 9 m² room. The ultimate goal is to find a fair rent distribution for everyone while taking specific characteristics into account. It’s like solving a puzzle, but once you’ve found the formula that works for everyone, this approach will greatly contribute to maintaining harmony within the shared living arrangement.

Who is eligible for housing assistance (APL) in a shared accommodation?

When you are inquiring for housing assistance, there are several options available.

First, there’s the ALS (Social Housing Allowance), which applies to various non-conventional housing types. It is often intended for students, households without children, or elderly people. Next, there’s the ALF (Family Housing Allowance), which is specifically designed for families that are not eligible for APL or ALS. Its amount depends on the number of children, rent, housing location, and household income. Regardless of your situation as a tenant, roommate, or subtenant, you have the right to explore these different options to ease the burden of your rent. If one of our rooms interests you, you can already visit the CAF website and unleash a simulation to find out what assistance you may be eligible for, and the amount you could receive.

Preventing and managing issues in a shared living

Shared living, as appealing as it may initially seem, can sometimes bring surprises to the table. Conflicts and tensions may arise over time, fueled by different personalities and divergent lifestyles. Finding the perfect roommate isn’t always easy. However, every problem has a solution. An occasional dispute with a roommate doesn’t necessarily mean the end of harmony within the shared living arrangement. Sometimes, all you need is a bit of common sense and effort to restore the “camaraderie” that made your communal life beautiful. So, it’s essential to prevent and manage potential conflicts. It’s also important to be open and honest in your communication. Organize regular meetings to discuss important issues and potential problems. Express your expectations and listen to those of your roommates.

Mutual respect is fundamental. Learn to respect each other’s space, privacy, and habits. If disagreements arise, handle them maturely. Avoid direct confrontations and favor calm and constructive discussions. We also recommend setting communal living rules. Define standards for chores, sleep schedules, visits from friends, and other daily life aspects with your roommates. This can help prevent future misunderstandings. Lastly, get ready to compromise. You won’t always agree with your roommates, but flexibility and willingness to find amicable solutions are essential for maintaining peace. Remember that disagreements are part of shared living. In this way, you can turn these challenges into opportunities for learning and strengthening bonds.

Who is considered as a roommate?

A roommate is much more than just a cohabitant. S)He is part of your daily life, someone with whom you share more than walls and rent. This person, who can easily become a friend, will accompany you through the ups and downs of communal living. Moments of shared joy, as well as occasional disagreements, are an integral part of this experience. Legally, the lease (when it’s collective) may include a joint and several liability clause. As you may have understood, roommates are financially responsible for each other. So, when one of them leaves the shared living arrangement, the remaining roommates divide the remaining rent to be paid between them. It’s also important to also distinguish a roommate from a partner or cohabitant. A roommate shares a living space with at least one other person without being in a romantic relationship with them, whereas a partner or cohabitant shares their home with their partner. Whether you’re a roommate or a partner, the essential thing is to cultivate strong bonds and enjoy life together (with two or more)!

What are the consequences for roommates and their guarantors?

If you find yourself in a tumultuous shared living situation, what are the consequences for you and your guarantors when things go wrong? Within a shared living arrangement, problems can arise — whether it’s about rent payment delays, damages to the property, or unresolved disagreements among roommates, the legal and financial consequences can be significant. For roommates, this can result in internal conflicts, tensions, or even the premature end of the shared living arrangement. Financially, if one of the roommates fails to pay their share of the rent, it can have repercussions on the others, as the lease may contain a joint and several liability clause, forcing the remaining ones to cover the full rent in case of payment default by one of the roommates. Additionally, property damages can lead to deductions from the security deposit, which can be unfair to those who are not responsible for the damages. But the consequences don’t stop there: guarantors, who assume financial responsibility for the roommates in case of problems, can also be affected. If a roommate cannot fulfill their financial obligations, the guarantor may be called upon to make payments on their behalf. This can lead to family or friendship tensions and create problems in relationships outside of the shared living arrangement. To avoid these unpleasant scenarios, it’s essential to carefully select your roommates (if you have the choice), establish clear rules from the beginning, maintain open communication to resolve conflicts at their source, and uphold financial commitments to avoid undesirable consequences.

Final conclusions and recommendations

It’s time to draw some conclusions and provide you with final recommendations. We’ve explored the rights and responsibilities of roommates, discussed potential challenges, and even touched upon the legal and financial consequences in case of problems.

Never hesitate to communicate openly with your roommates, express your expectations, and listen to theirs. Establishing communal living rules from the start can greatly help avoid future conflicts. Next, mutual respect is essential. Respect your roommates’ space and privacy while being willing to contribute fairly to household chores and financial responsibilities. Fair sharing is the key.

Finally, for an even more simplified shared living experience, why not explore a new concept: coliving. It’s like shared living, but better. Coliving allows you to live in spaces designed for community, with inclusive services and carefully selected roommates for maximum compatibility. No need to stress about finding the perfect roommate; everything is set up for a lighter mental load. You are now well-prepared for success in your next shared living arrangement, whether it’s traditional shared living or coliving!

Don’t waste any time and discover our coliving room offers right now in the best cities in France! Enjoy a hassle-free experience with Colivys.
