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Digital nomad : the life that web workers dream about !

More and more workers are choosing to become digital nomads to work remotely and live a nomadic life. Find out everything you need to know about this exciting lifestyle.

What is a digital nomad ?

The term digital nomad has recently become a staple. A well-known term used by millennials, but do you know what the real definition of this nomadic lifestyle is? 

A digital nomad is someone who uses technology and digital technology to work independently and remotely while travelling or living a nomadic lifestyle (as the name suggests). Digital nomads can work in a variety of fields, activities and professions: marketer, consultant, web programmer and developer, communication expert (writer, community manager, graphic designer, etc.), personal development coach, and many others.

A new trend advocating nomadism, digital nomads are often freelancers, entrepreneurs, and telecommuting employees, free to work from any city or country in the world. All they need is reliable internet access and the necessary tools for their work (office equipment, Wi-Fi connection, etc.). They can work from cafés, coworking spaces, hotels and, most surprisingly, from the beach.

Digital nomads have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people are looking for a better work-life balance. They want the freedom to travel and explore new places while earning a living. In addition, the rise of the self-employed economy and the availability of remote working has also made it easier to become a digital nomad.

Benefits of the digital nomad lifestyle

Taking parts in the digital nomad community offers many advantages:

More freedom and flexibility

Digital nomads have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. They can therefore combine the two pleasures of traveling and earning money while working. Depending on where they choose to work from, they work shifts. They can also work at their own pace and organize their schedule as they wish. If you are an employee and your employer allows you to be fully remote, you will be more flexible than in the office and probably more productive.

Greater financial savings

Digital nomads do not need a fixed physical office. They can therefore save on the costs of renting a workspace or setting up a home office. In addition, some countries offer lower costs of living, allowing digital nomads to live more comfortably on their French income.

More time for yourself

As a digital nomad, you have the opportunity to organize your work as you wish, and to choose your working hours. By being outside the traditional framework, digital nomads work more efficiently. This means that they can free up time for personal activities: learning new skills, experiencing new cultures, relaxing and above all enjoying life.

More peace of mind

Being a digital nomad means breaking the barriers and limitations that traditional work settings can impose. Some people have chosen this way of life in order to free themselves from the stress and weight of everyday life that they used to feel. Becoming a digital nomad allows you to become more open-minded and to love yourself and others.

Ability to work with clients from all over the world

As digital nomads work remotely and online, they have the opportunity to collaborate with people from all over the world. By having an open client portfolio, they get to work on a variety of interesting projects and meet people from different cultures.

For these reasons (and more), more and more people are choosing this lifestyle, like Ulysse Lubin, a former start-up founder and employee turned digital influencer on Instagram and LinkedIn, who is exploring the world by doing unusual challenges. Some have the idea of making videos themselves for social networks and YouTube to share their daily life and their digital nomad tips with their readers.

Disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle

If the lifestyle of a digital nomad can make people dream (and this is quite normal), it should be noted that the reality of this nomadism can also present constraints and challenges:

Loneliness and isolation

One of the main advantages of digital nomads is the chance to work in any part of the world in a variety of different jobs. Digital nomads usually go out on their own and have to work alone, physically. They have no fixed work environment, no office, and therefore no colleagues. Even if they work with other people, they may have to deal with feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Financial instability

Many digital nomads are freelancers or self-employed. They often work in non-salaried jobs and therefore do not have a fixed salary. For some, this means a great deal of freedom, but it also means that the monthly salary received is different. It is a lot of work, and you have to be sure that you have enough customers to be paid. And you have to make sure that the clients pay on time.

Communication problems

When finding clients, digital nomads may face cultural and language differences. We do not all have the same working habits, sometimes very different in different countries and regions of the world. This can quickly lead to communication problems when working with foreign clients or colleagues. In addition, attention must be paid to the quality of the Internet connection, which can sometimes lead to delays in returns and exchanges.

Difficulties with concentration and productivity

Being a digital nomad includes working in coworking spaces, cafés, all different because this lifestyle leads to moving regularly. When arriving in an unfamiliar city or country, it can also be difficult to find reliable and affordable accommodation and workspaces. In particular, some can be very noisy, and there may be no space that suits your lifestyle or your view of work. It is necessary to check the Wi-Fi connections, which can change from one place to another.

Being a digital nomad can be an exciting and rewarding lifestyle, but it is important to understand and consider the potential challenges before deciding to embark on this adventure. As you know, every problem has a solution.  That’s why it’s important to anticipate these drawbacks. Are you planning to go to a Spanish-speaking country and work with Spanish-speaking clients? Try to learn the basics beforehand (if you don’t already know them) so that you can exchange at least a little. Don’t hesitate to ask your clients if they speak another language, such as English, which is universal in most professions. Are you thinking of moving to another city in 3 days? Try to prepare your trip and inquire about the best coworking spaces available. Do you need a minimum of routine in your daily life to feel secure? Don’t hesitate to establish daily habits (to-do list, morning walk, etc.) and stay at least 1 month in the same place.

How to become a digital nomad ?

You don’t become a digital nomad overnight. It requires a minimum of preparation and steps to follow:

1. Define your project and your field of activity

Before you embark on a life as a digital nomad, you need to know what you want to do. What is your passion? What is your area of expertise? How do you want to make a living? Answering these questions will help you determine the type of work you can do online and the skills you need to succeed.

2. Acquiring skills

Once you have defined your project, make sure you already have the core skills for your project. Do you want to start a business but haven’t mastered it yet? Don’t panic. You just need to learn the skills you need to succeed in that field. You can take online courses, attend workshops, or work with a mentor to learn the skills you need.

3. Finding clients or a job online

Once you have the skills you need, you need to find clients to make your business work. You can use online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer or Fiverr. Other platforms and websites exist depending on the country and region of the world you want to settle in. Before you leave, check with Google, your best friend.

4. Preparing financially

Working as a digital nomad means that you will have to move frequently from one country to another, from city to city, and therefore have to find accommodation and simply live. You need to be able to support yourself, so make sure you have enough money in your bank account. You should also find out what the standard of living is like in the country or countries you are visiting. The standard of living in Latin America is lower than in France, but it is higher or similar in the USA. Once you are there, you need to be able to manage your time and money efficiently. You need to plan your work and travel to ensure that you earn enough money to live comfortably.

5. Organizing to work remotely

To work as a digital nomad, you need a working environment that allows you to stay focused and productive. You can work in a coworking space, in a café or even in a park or from the beach. Make sure that the location you choose matches your assignments for the day so that you can work in peace. You should also have all the equipment you need for your project. We hope your laptop isn’t a million years old 😉

6. Traveling

Once you’ve set up your business or work setting, and everything lines up to work remotely, you can travel wherever you want. Almost any place in the world is eligible for remote working, but we wouldn’t recommend moving to North Korea (you know why).

Our tips to make it a success

After reading all this, do you also want to become a digital nomad? Here are our 5 tips for a successful adventure:
  • Reducing your expenses as much as possible
As a digital nomad, it’s important to keep your costs as low as possible so that you can work and travel with peace of mind. Choose contracts and subscriptions without commitment so that you can easily cancel them if you change country or city. Also opt for free or open source software solutions rather than paid software, unless you already have it. Do not hesitate to negotiate prices when buying goods or services to get the best deal.
  • Considering coliving for hassle-free accommodation 
Coliving can be a great option for digital nomads who are looking for comfortable and affordable accommodation without the hassle. Coliving is the practice of sharing accommodation with other people who work or travel, often digital nomads like you. Coliving can be much cheaper than traditional accommodation because you share the rental costs with the other occupants. All Wi-Fi, internet, electricity and gas costs are included in the monthly room rent. It’s also the best way to meet and network with like-minded people. You can feel less lonely as a digital nomad, and you will find your second family. In addition, coliving allows you to stay for short, medium or long periods of time, so you can stay as long as you need to without having to make a long-term commitment. Coliving is a democratized practice in many countries, especially in South America and the United States, so if you want to go there, it should be easy to find the coliving that suits your needs.
  • Finding coworking spaces
Coworking spaces will allow you to work in a professional environment at a lower cost. It can be difficult to find coworking spaces that suit your needs so use online platforms like Coworker, NomadList, or Crescent to help you find them in a multitude of cities around the world. You can also use social networks with the hashtags #digitalnomad or #coworking to find your new workplace. You can also use social networks with the hashtags #digitalnomad or #coworking to find your new place of work. This will also help you to contact former or current digital nomads to get recommendations on quality coworking spaces. There are also many blogs that can give you information. Finally, you should know that many coworking spaces in Paris such as WeWork, Regus, or Spaces, are present in many cities around the world. A reliable and secure option! Also discover the coworking spaces in Lyon and Marseille!
  • Joining groups on Facebook to become part of a community 
Who said Facebook was dead? In general, social networks are your best allies in finding digital nomads like you. By joining a digital nomad community, you can find useful information about destinations, accommodation, coworking spaces, events and lifestyles from around the world. It is best to search for local digital nomad groups to find information about specific destinations. For example, you can search for digital nomad groups in Thailand if you are planning to travel there. You can in turn share your experience with future digital nomads.
  • Thinking about a country that is time zone compatible, depending on your clients
As a digital nomad, you work remotely and use technology to collaborate with people in other countries and time zones. Time difference can therefore become an important factor for your work and personal well-being. It can be difficult to communicate in real time or coordinate online meetings if your clients are in Australia and you are in São Paulo. Of course, you work in shifts, sometimes almost a day apart. Your team may be sleeping, and vice versa. There are several options: you can choose to work with clients only in countries in the same time zone, or with a minimal time difference to yourself. This will make it easier to communicate with your team and reduce disruption to your life. You may also choose to work with your clients in a different time zone so that you have time to be productive on your assignments, and vice versa. In any case, you should be aware of the time difference and pay attention to it. All the meetings will have to be scheduled at times that are common to both parties, and this is undoubtedly the most complicated to keep.
  • Organizing your days to balance work, leisure and discovery
It is important to find a balance between your work and your personal life when the work environment that you were used to is no longer present. To organize days that combine work and relaxation, it is important to work from a place where your productivity is increased tenfold. So avoid all kinds of distractions and focus on your tasks. Are you much more proactive in the morning? Then choose to work only from 7am to 1pm. That way, you will have the whole afternoon to yourself. If you are a night owl, choose to work in the evening. You will be in the same time slot as your clients, but this could also throw off your rhythm. So choose the hours that best suit your lifestyle. Remember: if you have no motivation today, don’t force yourself. It will be there tomorrow, so take the opportunity to recharge your batteries and explore the city you are in!

In conclusion, being a digital nomad allows professionals to work remotely from anywhere in the world, as long as there is an internet connection. In this article, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this lifestyle.

The digital nomad lifestyle includes the freedom to work from anywhere, the opportunity to experience new places and cultures, the flexibility to work at your own pace and manage your time as you wish, and the ability to work on projects you are passionate about. However, there are also disadvantages associated with this lifestyle, such as social isolation, difficulty concentrating due to distractions, the need to find appropriate workspaces, the difficulty of maintaining a work-life balance, and the need to deal with online security and privacy issues.

Being a digital nomad can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for those seeking a flexible and independent lifestyle. However, it is a real life choice that requires discipline and planning to overcome the drawbacks and make the most of the experience.
