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Renting a Furnished Shared Accommodation: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Place

Furnished shared accommodation is an experience that will revolutionize a part of your life! Opting for furnished shared living means choosing a rental setup that’s ready to go, without the hassle of buying furniture and equipment at the last minute. To help you navigate the sometimes incomprehensible and unforgiving world of shared living, we’re here to guide you in finding your ideal accommodation. Welcome to the good life in furnished shared housing! In this article, we’ll provide you with all our valuable advice and tips regarding your new life in furnished shared living: signing your future lease, necessary documents, contract clauses, key handover, preparing for visits, and other tips for maintaining a friendly living environment 😉.

What is Furnished Shared Accommodation?

The significant difference between furnished and unfurnished shared accommodation is that you don’t have to worry about buying and transporting all those furnishings. Furnished shared accommodation ensures that you live in an apartment with all the necessary equipment already in place, as implied by the name. Beds, chairs, a fully equipped kitchen, linens, and cutlery – it’s all there! In accordance with the law and current regulations (Decree No. 2015-981 of July 31, 2015, establishing the list of furniture elements in furnished housing), a property is considered furnished when it contains at least a bed, a table, chairs, a refrigerator, and a stove, along with adequate storage facilities. This housing option is highly popular among students who may not have the necessary budget, professionals on the go, or anyone looking to simplify their move and enjoy a more streamlined lifestyle. So, if you want to feel at home without the hassle of moving, furnished shared accommodation is the right choice for you!

The Advantages of Furnished Shared Accommodation

Furnished shared accommodation comes with numerous benefits for both tenants and landlords. For tenants, it offers ready-to-live-in spaces that are adaptable to their flexibility, eliminating the stress associated with buying and transporting furniture. Furthermore, it allows for short-term savings and encourages social interactions in various ways. First and foremost, the fact that shared accommodation is already furnished significantly reduces the logistical burden for tenants. You’ll have fewer things to think about and organize when moving in, freeing up time and energy for social interactions. Additionally, furnished shared accommodation is a quicker and more convenient solution for individuals seeking housing. Tenants can move in more swiftly, which facilitates the formation of bonds with existing or new roommates. This swift settling fosters a friendly atmosphere, as you and your roommates will have less stress related to moving and setting up your new home. Finally, the common areas of furnished shared accommodation, such as the living room or kitchen, are often already equipped. Tenants can gather in these spaces to cook together or simply chat, creating informal opportunities for socialization. From the landlord’s perspective, furnished shared accommodation meets a growing demand from potential tenants. It also streamlines the rental process, reducing vacancy periods. In summary, furnished shared accommodation is a winning option for both parties, bringing simplicity and comfort to all involved stakeholders.

The Furnished Shared Accommodation Lease Agreement

The lease agreement is a legal document that summarizes and safeguards the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenants. Also known as a “shared housing lease”, it includes essential elements that need to be considered. As with unfurnished shared housing, it’s imperative that you and your roommates start by providing some fundamental information: who they are, the rent amount, how the expenses are shared, and the duration of the lease. The lease agreement should be clear, comprehensive, and precise to prevent misunderstandings and potential disputes between the involved parties. To help you understand, here’s a description of what a lease should include, taking into account the mentioned elements:

1. Identification of the Parties

  • Name
  • First name
  • Address of the landlord/owner.
If the primary tenant is a professional, their name and business address should be mentioned as the primary tenant.

2. Effective Date of the Lease

This is the date when the lease becomes effective.

3. Duration of the Lease Agreement

Indicate the period for which the lease is valid (e.g., 12 months).

4. Specifics about the Housing

  • The intended use of the housing (in the case of shared housing, it’s for residential purposes),
  • The total habitable surface area of the housing,
  • The surface area of the room rented by each tenant.

5. Description of the Housing

  • The type of property (apartment, house, etc.),
  • The number of rooms,
  • Areas for common and private use,
  • A description of the rooms, if applicable.

6. Pre-existing Renovations

If there have been any renovation or improvement works in the housing, specify the nature of these works and their potential cost.

7. Rent Amount and Payment Terms

  • The monthly or annual rent amount,
  • The payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, etc.),
  • How the rent should be paid (by bank transfer, by check, etc.).

8. Amount of the Last Rent Paid by the Previous Tenant

If applicable, this can serve as a reference for future adjustments.

9. Charges

If charges are included in the rent or billed separately, specify the amount and payment terms. In case of overestimation, detail how charge recovery will be carried out.

10. Security Deposit Amount and Terms

The amount of the security deposit, how it will be used and returned at the end of the lease, and the conditions that may lead to deductions.

11. Notice Period

The notice period that the tenant or landlord must adhere to in case of lease termination is indicated. If the lease is established according to the civil code, the notice period is typically flexible. There are various types of shared housing leases, with each individual having their own contract with the landlord. Every detail is carefully defined in the lease, including the key handover clause. Additionally, it’s worth noting that this lease is typically free of charge and renewable, which helps avoid financial strain and ensures financial comfort.

Fiscal Aspects of Furnished Shared Accommodation

Let’s now discuss the tax implications of furnished shared accommodation, a crucial aspect that landlords need to be aware of in order to manage their shared housing effectively. Yes, as the owner of furnished shared accommodation, there are some tax rules to follow. Firstly, you must declare your rental income each year. Don’t worry; you can deduct certain expenses such as maintenance and furnishing costs. However, to benefit from these tax advantages, your housing must meet specific criteria, such as being furnished with furniture in good condition and being rented as a “primary residence”. So, if you want to optimize your tax situation with furnished shared accommodation, make sure to adhere to these rules and consider consulting a professional to help you declare everything correctly!

Furnished Shared Accommodation and Expenses

Operating expenses are initially covered by the landlord and are subject to reimbursement by you and your roommates. The monthly payments made represent advance payments for these expenses. These expenses can be divided into three categories:
  • Common expenses
  • Private expenses (allocated to a single co-owner)
  • Collective or individual consumption expenses
Depending on the type of shared housing, its location, and the included services, these expenses can encompass various elements, such as security, elevators, hot water, cold water, central heating, and the maintenance of common and outdoor areas. However, some charges such as taxes and the local residence tax are generally not included in the “all-inclusive charges” associated with the rent. Talking about it : how does the residence tax work in shared accommodation? The residence tax benefits local communities and varies depending on the municipality and individual circumstances. In shared accommodation with individual leases, each roommate receives their own bill, avoiding multiple payments.

Solidarity Among Roommates and Their Deposits in Furnished Shared Accommodation

In shared accommodation, you and your roommates form a real team, and that’s what makes the adventure so great. Solidarity is a bit like a secret pact among you. You commit to paying the rent and expenses together, so there’s a mutual understanding of financial obligations. In the case of a single lease agreement, a solidarity clause may come into play. This means that all tenants are jointly and severally responsible for paying the rent and charges. In other words, if one of the tenants fails to pay their share of the rent or expenses, the other roommates are obligated to compensate for this non-payment. The landlord can even demand full payment of the amount owed from any of the tenants. If one of you encounters an unexpected situation and can’t pay their share on time, the others are there to help out. It’s an essential aspect of mutual support, but it’s important to understand that this solidarity has its limits. Remember that at the beginning of the lease, each roommate had to provide a security deposit check to cover potential damages or unpaid rent. If someone doesn’t fulfill their commitments, and the landlord suffers as a result, the deposit comes into play. In this context, it’s crucial to exercise caution because in case of problematic behavior by one of the roommates, the others may be forced to use the deposit to offset the losses. Therefore, while solidarity is an admirable quality, it comes with an important caveat: choose your roommates carefully and communicate effectively to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Rules for Furnished Shared Accommodation

It’s essential to follow various rules that cover different aspects of communal living. Here are some important ones to consider:
  • Paying Rent on Time
Timely payment of rent is crucial to maintain the financial stability of the shared accommodation. It ensures that the finances of the shared housing remain stable, and roommates can rely on predictable financial resources to cover common expenses.
  • Establishing Rules from the Start
It’s wise to agree on house rules from the beginning of the shared accommodation to avoid future misunderstandings.
  • Creating a Schedule for Household Chores and Meals
Organizing a fair system for sharing household chores and meals can help maintain a clean and well-kept environment.
  • Always Seeking Permission from Roommates
Respecting personal space and preferences is vital. It’s important to consult with your roommates before making decisions that could affect them.
  • Avoiding Unspoken Issues
Open and honest communication is essential to quickly resolve potential problems and maintain good relationships.
  • Embracing Differences
Roommates may have different habits and lifestyles. Accepting these differences is fundamental to living in harmony.
  • Keeping Personal Belongings Organized and Caring for Common Areas
Keeping common areas clean and organized contributes to the well-being of all roommates.
  • Eating Together at Least Once a Week
While not an official rule, sharing a meal from time to time can strengthen social bonds and foster better understanding among roommates. If you want to know more, follow our 10 tips for a successful shared accommodation. That way you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy a happy coliving experience. Each rule is designed to foster harmony and understanding in a shared living situation! In the end, if you’re someone who prefers a hassle-free approach, there’s a perfect option for you: coliving with Colivys! With coliving, everything is included: not only the furnishings but also additional services. This guarantees you total peace of mind! You no longer need to worry about tedious details; you can focus on what matters most: enjoying shared living and creating memorable experiences. So, if you’re looking for an all-inclusive solution to simplify your shared living experience, take a look at the rooms available with Colivys and discover the ultimate comfort of coliving. 
